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ListAvailable In

1. Frogs

Keiko Abe

Please  email us for availability

2. Fugue: from Sonata in A minor

J. S. Bach

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3. Joplin on Wood: from Harry Breuer's Ragtime Solos

Breuer (and Anderson & Spivack)

Available In

4. Sara's Song

Michael Burritt

Available In

5. No. 1: from Marimba Dances

Ross Edwards

Please  email us for availability

6. No. 3: from Marimba Dances

Ross Edwards

Please  email us for availability

7. Tween Heather and Sea

George H. Geldard

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8. Exact Change Please

Anthony Kerr

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9. Tambourin chinois


Available In

10. First Toy: No. 1 from Midnight Pieces

Igor Lešnik

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11. Greeting: 1st movt from Concerto No. 1

Ney Rosauro

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12. Spiral 2: from Three Spirals

Éric Sammut

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13. Nancy

Emmanuel Séjourné

Available In

14. Mexican Dance No. 1: from Two Mexican Dances for Marimba

Gordon Stout

Please  email us for availability

15. The Absent-Minded Woman


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Sight-Reading Tests

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Preparation for the Aural Tests

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Scales & Arpeggios

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