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• Jüri Reinvere is not only a composer but also a writer of poems, essays and critical texts on political and cultural topics, and screenplays
• Grew up in Tallinn, Estonia; lived in Germany since 2005 and now resident in Frankfurt
• Studied theology and composition in Warsaw and in Helsinki, and while in Finland hosted radio programmes
• Won UNESCO's International Rostrum of Composers award in 2000 and 2006
• Often uses spoken and sung texts in his music
• His music oscillates between an experimental search for new sounds and a tonal language often displaying Romantic or Impressionistic touches
• Large-scale works include a cello concerto for Jean-Guihen Queyras and the opera Minona
• Conductors of his scores have included Paavo Järvi, Frank Strobel, Thomas Dausgaard, Pietari Inkinen, Pablo Heras-Casado, Olari Elts and Mikhel Kütson"

Works by Jüri Reinvere include:
Minona (2019) Opera in two acts
Through a lens darkly (2017) for orchestra
Inter Lacrimas et Luctum (2019) for cello and orchestra

Works by Jüri Reinvere are published by Boosey & Hawkes / Sikorski.

Looking Ahead: World premiere Prospekt Mira. String Quartet No. 4 by Minguet Quartet in Passau (4 July); World Premiere Concerto for flute and orchestra with soloist Monika Mattiesen and Estonian National Symphony Orchestra in Tallinn (24 Oct)

"What I want is that when people hear my music, they are touched emotionally and get something to think about: that something is given to them, not taken away, and is music they can trust." — Jüri Reinvere

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