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Music Text

Libretto by the composer (E)


2.2(cor A).2(2 bcl).2-

Abbreviations (PDF)


Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.


World Premiere
Augustana College, Syracuse, New York
Ruth Ives, director
Company: Syracuse University


AUNT SUE Mezzo-Soprano
JESS Baritone
SADIE Soprano
Time and Place

the present, a farmhouse in the sandhills of the Carolinas


Setting: A farm house in the Carolinas, present time

Aunt Sue is shelling peas on the porch and discussing her niece Sadie with Sadie’s brother Jess. Sue worries that Sadie will marry Micah Hatfield, a young man who lives across the pond. Sue opposes the relationship because he is a member of the True Light sect, whereas their family are members of the Disciples.

While Sue is tending to chores, Sadie brings Micah to the front porch. They begin to discuss a possible future together, but Sadie is not optimistic about their prospects: their land is poor, and drought always destroys their crops. Micah is more hopeful, and he finally dares to ask Sadie to marry him. In spite of her misgivings, she accepts his proposal, saying that they will work hard and make something out of the land. Hearing Sue humming from inside the house, Micah takes his leave. He tells Sadie he is going fishing.

Sadie tells her aunt she has agreed to marry Micah. Sue tries to put her foot down, saying that no Disciple would ever marry a True Light and that Sadie is much too good for Micah. Sadie is sorry her aunt doesn’t approve, but she says nothing will stop her from marrying Micah. She runs off.

When Sadie returns hours later, Sue and Jess are waiting for her on the porch. They give her the tragic news that Micah drowned while fishing. Sadie runs toward the pond, lamenting the loss of Micah and their dream of happiness together.


Dramatic, Tragic



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