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Source: Borletti-Buitoni TrustThis documentary video explores the creation of Detlev Glanert's new Double Concerto for two pianos and orchestra, premiered in March 2008.Views: 14328
Source: Young Opera Company FreiburgDetlev Glanert's Die drei Rätsel (The Three Riddles) in the production of Young Opera Company Freiburg (2014)Views: 11092
Source: Czech PhilharmonicViews: 2535
Source: www.osvaldogolijov.comThis video podcast shows rehearsal footage from the Santa Fe Opera production of Golijov's Ainadamar directed by Peter Sellars.Views: 12627
Source: Deutsche GrammophonDeftly exploiting the popular appeal and emotional immediacy of samba, salsa, flamenco, tango, and the elemental vigor of folk and popular motifs, GRAMMY winner Osvaldo Golijov's La Pasión según San Marcos sets Christs betrayal, death, and resurrection amidst the streets of Latin America.Views: 11156
NYCB Prinicpal Dancer Daniel Ulbricht talks abou George Balanchine's TARANTELLA. TARANTELLA will be performed as part of New York City Ballet's 2012 Winter Season at Lincoln Center, January 17 through February 26, 2012.Views: 13320
New York Philharmonic's principal percussionist Chris Lamb discusses and demonstrates some of the toys used in HK Gruber's Frankenstein!!Views: 6843
Source: IntermusicaA short film interviewing HK Gruber as he prepares to take on the role of the BBC Philarmonic's Composer/Conductor. The film includes exclusive reherasal footage featuring works by HK Gruber and former BBC Philharmonic Composer/Conductor, James MacMillan.Views: 14088
Source: Boosey & HawkesThis 10-minute documentary exploring the music of HK Gruber was filmed at his home in Vienna. The composer discusses his development as a composer, with works ranging from Frankenstein!! to concertos for leading international soloists.Views: 49581
Source: Boosey & HawkesDieser 10minütige filmische Einblick in die Musik von HK Gruber entstand im Haus des Komponisten in Wien. Der Künstler spricht über seinen Werdegang, mit Werken wie Frankenstein!! sowie Solokonzerten für internationale Solisten.Views: 31104