Johannes Kalitzke
• Johannes Kalitzke is a much sought-after conductor of new music
• conducting and composing become “mutually dependent”, a process felt by the composer to be an “extremely constructive force”
• Kalitzke's modern language of sound is intense and at the same time surprisingly accessible as the artist integrates lively experience into his music
• an initial idea, for example from literature as in the Kafka Complex (1989-2006), unfold in a dense, highly expressive way
• approximates historical and contemporary worlds of sounds, as in Schubert’s Dream (1999), where the personal level – a diary entry of Schubert – is confronted by means of quotations with a sociological issue – the role of the artist in his environment
• Kalitzke combines instruments and electronics and achieves a high level of amalgamation of real and artificially generated sounds
• more recently created a series of full-length silent film scores as well as large-scale orchestral works
Works by Johannes Kalitzke include:
Captain Nemo’s Library (2021) Opera based on Per Olov Enquist.
Story Teller (2015-16) for violoncello and orchestra
The Weavers (2011) Music for the silent film by Friedrich Zelnik (1927), for orchestra
Six Covered Settings (1999/2000) for string quartet
"Kalitzke’s scores are transparent in sound, well-articulated, its instrumentation showing a sense of new colours. What at first sight looks rather sophisticated, turns out to be unusually concentrated and expressive with respect to the initial idea." – Hartmut Lück
Please also visit Johannes Kalitzke's personal website at www.johanneskalitzke.com