Martin Christoph Redel
• After studying composition with Rudolf Kelterborn 1964-69 continued his studies with Giselher Klebe, Johannes Driessler and Isang Yun
• 1979 professor of composition at the Music Academy of Detmold, director since 1993
• 1974 founder of the 'Ensemble Kontraste'
• Combines free, atonal or dodecaphonic texture with principles of tonality
• 1967 first major work, Movimento variatofor orchestra, showing his tendency towards jazz-related rhythmic patterns
• Extension of sound range through noise sources in Dispersion (1972)
• 1981 Traumtanz for percussion and strings
• 1982 displays his roots in musical tradition in Bruckner-Essayfor orchestra
• In more recent works he focuses on smaller-scale composition, such as the Visions fugitives for accordion and percussion (1993)
• Numerous awards for an output numbering some 50 works
Works by Martin Christoph Redel include:
Sternenkinder (2012) for solo voices, choirs and orchestra
Les Adieux (2006) for string orchestra
Bruckner-Essay (1982) for orchestra
Traumtanz (Dreamdance, 1981) for percussion and strings
Also visit the Martin Christoph Redel website at www.martin-redel.de