2.2picc(II=fl).2.corA.2.bcl.2.dbn-; II=lion’s roar/crot/flexatone/SD/sistrum/susp.cym(lg); III=susp.cym(sm,lg)/watergong/SD/whip; IV=hammer/anvil/whip/tam-t(lg)/bamboo pipes(lg number); V=BD/wdbl(sm)/SD/sleigh bells(lg number)/swannee whistle/harness bells(lg)/plate gong-harp-pft-cel-strings(
Abbreviations (PDF)
Bote & Bock
"At its premiere, the progression of musical ideas in this piece was clearly audible, and the performance itself was powerful and marked by opulent sound. The sense of humour and dance-like character were presented as archaic ideas in an apocalyptic game – rather as though Stravinsky had written a scherzo in Bruckner’s style." (Thomas Willmann, tz München, 21 Mar 2001)

Bayerisches Staatsorchester München / Yun Märkl
Deutscher Musikrat / RCA Red Seal 74321 73611 2