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4(III,IV=picc).3(III=corA).3(III=bcl).3(III=dbn)-,med,lo)/5cym(different pitches)/marimba/TD/sleigh bells/4gong(different pitches)/glsp/xyl/3tam-t(hi,med,lo)/crot/BD/SD/timp/tamb-harp-kbds(2players):pft/cel/synth(Yamaha SY77 or SY99)-strings(

Abbreviations (PDF)


Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Symphony Hall, Chicago, IL
Chicago Symphony Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim
Composer's Notes
Press Quotes

"Aura breathes a Boulezian sensibility, radiating a post-serialist impressionism that seems far more French than German-modernist. The scoring is wondrously transparent, luminous, even when the full orchestra is engaged. And Höller uses his color palette with extreme subtlety; Debussy would have adored its delicately inward play of son et lumière. Almost everything in Aura appears to be happening just beneath the surface. Fragments of melody sputter to life in the divided strings; a ghostly haze of woodwinds is punctuated by a Messiaen-like flurry of vibraphone, piano, and harp... I certainly look forward to hearing this absorbing new work again, and I hope Barenboim will give us that chance one day soon."
(John von Rhein, Chicago Tribune, 13 Oct 1995)

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