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A Slippery Slope (Elliott)
All in a Garden Green (Nelson)
All through the night (Nelson)
Apple Pie (Nelson)
Autumn fr The 4 Seasons (Vivaldi arr Nelson)
Boatman (Nelson)
Camptown Races (Nelson)
Carnival Waltz (Elliott)
Chasing your tail (Nelson)
Courtly Dance (Elliott)
Dance for a Party (Nelson)
Farmer's Fancy (Nelson)
Gavotte (Handel arr Elliott)
Greensleeves (Elliott)
Hungarian Folk Song (Elliott)
I am a fine Musician (Nelson)
Irish Song (Elliott)
Jenny Jones (Nelson)
Kumba Yah! (Nelson)
Lullaby (Elliott)
M. Duport's Menuet (Mozart arr Nelson)
Madeleine Dreaming (York)
March of the Kings (Elliott)
Old French Song (Tchaikovsky arr Nelson)
Peripatetic Polka (Nelson)
Square Scale (York)
Swinging Scale (York)
The Merry Peasant (Schumann arr Elliott)
Two German Dances (Schubert arr Nelson)
Upon Paul's Steeple (Nelson)
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