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In many of his works, the young Mexican composer Enrico Chapela takes pleasure in the playful and sensuous side of serial composing. For example, the commission to compose a double quartet inspired him to develop an idea according to which the exponentiated character of the two groups consisting of four string instruments each - a quartet 'raised to the power of 2' so to speak - should be displayed structurally, and so he invented a crossword puzzle ('Crucigrama') which he then retranslated into musical parameters.

'Melate Binario', on the other hand, which owes its name to a Mexican lottery, is characterised by humorous aleatorism: a Mozart-like 'musical dice game' of the digital age. The 8 parts of the work have been designed as a dodecaphonic and tonal variant each and can thus be arranged in 2 to the power of 8 = 256 different combinations from which the performer can let the audience select a version by means of a lottery coupon.

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